Research and Studies

Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment

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The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MOPIC), with support from the Jordan Response Platform for the Syria Crisis (JRPSC) Secretariat, has developed a Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) to inform Jordan’s response to the impact of the Syria crisis on the country. The CVA aims to clearly identify the vulnerabilities, needs and gaps in assistance to a comprehensive array of stakeholders including host communities, refugees (in and out of camps),local and national institutions, and service providers affected by the Syria crisis. The CVA thus stands to inform the development of the JRP 2016-18. In particular, it will:

  • Establish a profile of vulnerability among (i) Syrian refugee households; (ii) Jordanian host communities; (iii) public service sectors such as education, health, municipal services, and water; and (iv) other JRP sectors.
  • Improve targeting of assistance to inform JRP 2016-18 planning process and use aid resources more effectively and equitably.

The CVA will focus on Syrian refugees (in and out of camps) and Jordanian host communities. It will further seek to measure the impact of the crisis on key public service sectors and their capacity to cope with the additional demand arising from the influx of refugees.

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