This concept note outlines the theme for the 2021 ALNAP Meeting 'Learning from disruption: evolution, revolution or status quo?'
Over the past 17 months the humanitarian system has been affected by external forces which have brought about unplanned and unanticipated disruptions to humanitarian action. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way operations are carried out and the proliferation of virtual meeting platforms has given exposure to a greater range of voices, many of whom are challenging traditional notions of humanitarianism and how its principles and purpose relate to social justice.
This year’s ALNAP Meeting will provide a unique space for the sector to come together to identify the kinds of disruptions that are taking place; where and why they are happening; and what we can learn from them. Our aim is to understand the new trajectories of humanitarian action and be in a better position to manage these changes and disruptions to bring about more effective responses for crisis-affected people.
The meeting will address four key areas in which changes and disruptions are taking place: humanitarian ethics and principles; humanitarian financing; operations and programming; and evaluation, learning and policy.