Conflict assessment framework version 2.0.

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Development is a process of economic, social, and political change. Development expands people’s choices, broadens their opportunities to prosper, and increases their sense of security from disease, poverty, disaster, and violence. Change, however, creates struggle between old and new, competition for power and resources, debate over what has happened, and what should come next. In short, conflict is inherent to the process of development. As it strives to be the world’s premier development agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) must consider conflict in the context of any intervention. Of course, conflict itself is not a problem. It occurs naturally in all human relationships and societies. It is a necessary outcome of different people pursuing their interests and exercising their freedom, and it can be a powerful force for positive change and growth. It can drive innovation and motivate performance, encourage partnerships, and induce efforts to reduce injustice.

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