Consultant Terms of Reference for a Contextual Analysis in Sindh, Pakistan

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The main objective of the Contextual Analysis is to provide an analysis of extreme poverty using Concern’s conceptual framework and context analysis guidelines in order to identify effective programme options at provincial level to effectively and sustainably reduce extreme poverty. Concern’s policy document ‘How Concern Understands Extreme Poverty’ brings important clarity to Concern’s mission and has become the thread linking organizational strategy, country strategy and contextual analysis on the ground. This understanding of extreme poverty recognizes that a lack of assets (and poor returns from these assets) distinguishes those who are extremely poor from those who are not. Concern identifies risk and vulnerability, and inequality as the key causes and maintainers of extreme poverty. This understanding is central to the organizational Theory of Change derived from Concern’s Strategic Plan and the three dimensions of extreme poverty are therefore at the core of Concern’s Strategic and Programme Planning.

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