Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Coordination at the Crossroads: NGO Coordination in Southern Sudan 2007-2011

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An evaluation of the NGO coordination mechanisms for Southern Sudan, focusing on the NGO Forum, Country Directors' Meeting, Steering Committee and Secretariat func tions. The initial objectives of the evaluation were to: 1. Perform an evaluation of the effectiveness and priorities of the current NGO coordination mechanism in Southern Sudan, including the NGO Forum, Steering Committee, and Secretariat. The evaluation will include priorities for coordination support at the sectoral level, at the State level, and the security coordination function of the NGO Secretariat. 2. Analyse the perception of NGOs, the UN, GoSS, and donors toward the SC. 3. Examine the relationship with the NGO Forum of Northern Sudan and recommend means by which to effectively increase linkages between the 2 fora. 4. Examine relevant NGO coordination mechanisms employed in other countries that may inform better practice in Southern Sudan 5. Recommend a sustainable model appropriate for use in Southern Sudan to allow potential cost-recovery by the Secretariat within 2 years, so as to reduce its long-tem reliance on external funding. 6. Risk assessment of information sharing in the Southern Sudan context. The evaluation was carried out in January 2010, and included a review of 2007-2009 and recommendations for 2009-2011. The evaluation report was presented to the Steering Committee and Secretariat of the NGO Forum as part of a planning workshop held at the end of the evaluation.

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