Research and Studies

Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability - Draft 2 for consultation & testing

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The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) outlines what good humanitarian action looks like for those communities and people affected by crisis and the staff and organisations involved in responding to this. It provides a practical, verifiable framework of Eight Commitments to Quality and Accountability. Each Commitment is underpinned by the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality and independence. The CHS will help women, men, girls and boys affected by crisis to hold humanitarian organisations to account. The CHS places people at the centre of humanitarian action and promotes respect for their fundamental human rights. The CHS is relevant to all actors engaged in humanitarian action. It can also be promoted and implemented by collective humanitarian mechanisms such as the cluster system, Humanitarian Country Teams, and pooled funds. Although it is primarily intended for the humanitarian sector, it can also be used to bring better quality and greater accountability to development and advocacy work.

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