The term ‘data revolution’ is ubiquitous. Over the last five years, we have heard time and time again about the potential of new technologies and big data to transform the way we do business within both the private and public sectors. But the need for new approaches was brought into sharp relief during the negotiations on the new global sustainable development agenda. In 2015, 193 heads of state and government agreed to set the world on a path to a more sustainable future, through the pursuit of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (“2030 Agenda”)². These goals are predominantly quantitative: aiming to eradicate poverty and forms of deprivation, prevent environmental degradation and level inequalities by 2030. They are backed up by a comprehensive set of targets and indicators that rely upon access to high-quality, granular data.
The report intends to support national and international policy makers taking an evidence-based approach to SDG planning and implementation. It looks to design modern, fit-for-purpose data systems that improve the quality, reach and impact of public service delivery and strengthen environmental protection. It sets out a vision for modern COUNTING ON THE WORLD: BUILDING MODERN DATA SYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT data systems, supported by a broad range of actors, while also providing specific recommendations to drive urgent action.