Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Cover Note to TEC Recommendations Papers

20th ALNAP Meeting (December 2006)

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The Tsunami Evaluation Coalition reports between them contain over 200 recommendations or recommendation-like comments. In order to facilitate their accessibility and the possibility that they will be actively and widely considered, ALNAP has extracted all of these recommendations and has arranged them under a set of ‘issue’ headings, each of which is shorthand for a group of related issues. These headline issues are Ownership, Accountability, Other actors, Funding, Human resources, Linking relief rehabilitation and development (LRRD), Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Regulation of performance, Needs assessment, Coordination, and Policy coherence. A large proportion of the recommendations in fact have been placed under more than one issue, for obvious reasons.

You will see from the attached documents, that we have laid them out in simple tables, with the recommendations grouped under each of these issues in turn broken down into sub-issues, and finally into even narrower issues, in the interests of making all 200+ recommendations digestible. Each individual recommendation is also marked with its ‘target’, although many of them are generically aimed at the whole humanitarian community. Each recommendation also has the reference of where in which report it comes from1.

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