Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Creating and developing evaluation organizations - lessons learned from Africa, Americas, Asia, Australasia and Europe

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Evaluation associations, societies and networks are also a means to ensure the independence and authority of evaluators. Whether in stable or emerging political systems, values of openness, democratic accountability and adaptability —the willingness to learn and improve— must always be cherished and sometimes defended. This is one of the reasons that these case studies often emphasize the importance of democratic organization —the election of board members and officers— and active membership participation in evaluation societies and associations themselves. Evaluators need to demonstrate in their own behaviour the values of democracy and transparency that their work represents. In the IOCE we are aware how important this is to ensure the growth of successful and vibrant societies.

This publication represents the collective efforts of many people from many countries, regions and cultures. At the same time, nothing included here constitutes an official IOCE view, as IOCE sees its main role as that of offering a platform for the leaders and activists in the international professional evaluation community to voice their views and exchange their experiences. I am confident that this publication does just that.

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