The purpose of this report is to summarise the findings, key conclusions and recommendations of the DACAAR (Danish Committee for Aid to Afghan Refugees) mid-term review (hereafter MTR) team. The review was carried out by a three-person team (water engineer, social development specialist and agricultural specialist1) between May 20th and June 14th 2002. Four days were spent in Copenhagen reviewing background documents and in discussion with key DACAAR and Danida staff. The fieldwork took place between May 26th and June 14th and included discussions with DACAAR headquarters in Peshawar, Pakistan and field visits in Afghanistan to one Integrated Agricultural Development (IAD) site in Area East2, three IAD sites in Area West, field offices and water supply sites in and around these. This document is structured around the four key outputs required of the review – an assessment of the changed context and its implications for the DACAAR programme, an assessment of Programme3 results and outputs, future Programme Development and recommendations for adjustments in the current programmes. The review has focused on the Water Supply and IAD programme and has not covered the Construction Programme. The main body of the report presents the summary arguments and conclusions. Where necessary more detailed analysis has been developed in supporting annexes.