Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Decentralised Evaluation of UNHCR's livelihood Programme in Djibouti (2015-2018)

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Purpose and objectives: This independent evaluation of UNHCR’s livelihoods and economic inclusion activities in Djibouti (2015-2018) is part of a multi-country evaluation commissioned by the UNHCR Evaluation Service and conducted by TANGO International. The purpose of the evaluation is two-fold:

✓ To contribute evidence to inform UNHCR’s global strategy development and implementation in the selected country operations (Djibouti, Malaysia, Mauritania, Senegal and South Sudan); and ✓ To provide recommendations that will lead to enhanced economic inclusion of persons of concern (PoC) globally, by assisting the organisation to develop further guidance on the approach to livelihoods, self-reliance, and economic inclusion for refugees.

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