In 2018, DIAL and Genesis Analytics conducted a comprehensive study to analyze the state of the ‘Digital Development Ecosystem’ with multiple stakeholders in mind. The purpose of this study was to inform DIAL’s results framework indicators and to provide additional insight into the experiences and interactions of these stakeholders. The focus of this study was on funders, technology specialists, and governments, NGOs and implementers.
This report provides an overview of this research process. Several general themes emerged from the findings, and this report is organized around them. They include an observed Typology of ICT4D, gaps in Funding for digital services, the factors influencing the Design of digital solutions, and gaps in various actors’ Capacity to use digital data and technology, and stakeholders’ awareness of, and experiences in implementing, the Principles for Digital Development.
Download the DIAL Baseline Ecosystem Graphic by clicking here.
Download the DIAL Baseline Ecosystem Study by clicking here.