Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Disability Inclusion in the Syrian Refugee Response in Lebanon: Field Assesment

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More than 1.6 million refugees have fled Syria since the conflict started two years ago, with almost one-third seeking protection in Lebanon alone. Persons with disabilities remain one of the most vulnerable and socially excluded groups in any displaced community, and they may have difficulty accessing humanitarian assistance programs, due to a variety of societal, environmental and communication barriers. This increases their risk of protection concerns, including violence, abuse and exploitation. As humanitarian agencies scale up responses to meet the ever-growing and complex needs of populations displaced by the crisis in Syria, it is critical that persons with disabilities are included in and have access to humanitarian assistance and programs.

The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) is currently partnering with UNHCR on the implementation of UNHCR’s operational guidance on Working with Persons with Disabilities in Forced Displacement, conducting field assessments and providing technical support and training to its country offices, partners and other stakeholders. As humanitarian agencies scale up responses to meet the ever-growing and complex needs of populations displaced by the crisis in Syria, it is critical that persons with disabilities are included in and have access to humanitarian assistance and programs.

This report presents the key findings and recommendations from a four-week field assessment conducted by the Women’s Refugee Commission in northern and eastern Lebanon in March 2013, and follow-up workshops with UNHCR staff and partners conducted in May 2013. The WRC consulted with over 80 humanitarian actors and 120 refugees during field visits. Consultations involved a combination of group discussions in community centers and visits to homes and tented settlements to conduct interviews.

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