Guidance and Tools

Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Diagrammatic Framework

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The TorqAid Disaster Risk Management (DRM) diagrammatic framework has been developed over a period of years to summarise, in an illustrative format, the seven key diagrams which encapsulate disaster risk management work. The first four are TorqAid copyright diagrams, and there are Creative Commons restrictions on their use. These are the Disaster Risk Management Cycle (DRMC), which includes a variation for slow-onset hazards such as drought; the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) diagram, again with a slow-onset hazard variation; the DRM Planning diagram; and the Project Management cycle (PMC). The other three diagrams are the Core Humanitarian Standard (with copyright stipulations highlighted by its authors); the risk matrix; and the ISO 31000 risk management process design. Together these seven diagrams, together with the information included within them, describe the key components and initiatives which humanitarian and development practitioners should ideally give assent to, when they work through the DRR, emergency response, and recovery stages of any disaster.

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