Research and Studies

Disaster risk reduction: Mitigation and preparedness in development and emergency programming - Good Practice Review 9

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This Good Practice Review is intended for practitioners: principally project planners and managers working at sub-national and local levels, mostly in NGOs but also in local government and community-based organisations (CBOs). It is also aimed both at people working on long-term development programmes and those involved in emergency management. The book is for those working with vulnerable people, wherever they may be, and before, during and after disasters.

This Review aims to help project planners and managers to: • appreciate the significance of hazards (primarily natural hazards) and the risks associated with them

• appreciate the need for risk management in project planning and implementation, and the value of such efforts;

• recognise the main issues that must be understood and addressed when carrying out risk reduction or disaster mitigation and preparedness initiatives; and

• understand – at least in broad terms – how to address these issues in practice, throughout the project cycle.

In 2015, an updated, more comprehensive version of this publication was released.

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