Objectives: 1. To review Member Agencies’ response to the crisis in Ethiopia and Kenya using the DEC Accountability Priorities as the basis of the RTE framework. Specific questions for consideration relating to each priority: Priority 1: We use our resources efficiently and effectively Priority 2: We achieve intended programme objectives in accordance with agreed humanitarian standards, principles and behaviours Priority 3: We are accountable to disaster affected populations Priority 4: We learn from our experience – taking learning from one emergency to the next 2. To review the extent to which agencies correctly identified the key risks to a quality disaster response and implemented suitable mitigating actions. 3. To advise on any programme adjustments or modification and highlight any unmet needs or unnecessary overlap that should be addressed in Phase 2. Between all 14 DEC agencies there are 30+ programmes across four countries affected by the drought and conflict in East Africa: Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan. DEC member agencies are currently preparing their plans for the 18 months of Phase 2 of the response.