Research and Studies

Disasters Journal: Special Issue: Urban vulnerability and humanitarian response

Urban vulnerability and displacement: a review of current issues (pages S1–S22)

Sara Pantuliano, Victoria Metcalfe, Simone Haysom and Eleanor Davey

Displacement in urban areas: new challenges, new partnerships (pages S23–S42)

Jeff Crisp, Tim Morris and Hilde Refstie

Protecting people in cities: the disturbing case of Haiti (pages S43–S63)

Elizabeth Ferris and Sara Ferro-Ribeiro

Shelter strategies, humanitarian praxis and critical urban theory in post-crisis reconstruction (pages S64–S86)

Lilianne Fan

Moving from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’: reflections on humanitarian response in urban settings (pages S87–S104)

Elena Lucchi

Aid in a city at war: the case of Mogadishu, Somalia (pages S105–S125)

François Grünewald

Jockeying for position in the humanitarian field: Iraqi refugees and faith-based organisations in Damascus (pages S126–S148)

Tahir Zaman

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