Research and Studies

Donor Conditions and their Implications for Humanitarian Response

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This paper was commissioned by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Financing Task Team (HFTT) in an effort to identify and communicate to stakeholders and partners those conditions which pose the greatest challenges, as well as describe positive donor practices, affecting humanitarian financing and the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The study’s observations and recommendations stem from perspectives and experiences of IASC-member funding recipients.

The Task Team supports the international call to both humanitarian actors and donors to work together in further strengthening the humanitarian system to achieve a more predictable, adequate and efficient humanitarian business model, including the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing and the Secretary General’s Report on the World Humanitarian Summit. The recommendations for improvements in this paper are intended to inform constructive dialogue with donors regarding flexible funding which will enable increased efficiencies by humanitarian organizations.

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