Research and Studies

Donor Perspectives & Readiness For Disaster Preparedness Funding: Opportunities & Challenges for Philanthropy in Building Community Resilience

2017 disaster preparedness white paper no 3   final png

Since January 2014, Give2Asia has partnered with community-based organizations (CBOs) in South and Southeast Asia to understand best practices and learnings for locally-led disaster preparedness and community resilience. This work has helped Give2Asia to identify specific CBO partners as part of an extensive effort to make Disaster Preparedness a larger part of the portfolio of international philanthropists and corporate foundations.

This Paper’s Intended Audience

This document attempts to describe the work and identify key finding from Give2Asia’s Disaster Preparedness efforts between 2014 and mid-2017. It also provides information on locally led development and challenges in bringing international partners to support the disaster preparedness work generally, and with CBOs in particular.

While Give2Asia primarily works with CBOs for program implementation, it also plays a role in donor education and helps to increase the impact of donor activity by guiding funds to projects run at the local level by beneficiary communities. Therefore, the audience for this paper is primarily private philanthropic donors: individual philanthropists, corporations and corporate foundations, and private foundations. A secondary audience for this paper is CBO leadership who regularly have conversations with supporters and donors, as well as the development community in general, which may find here information relevant to their program planning.

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