Research and Studies

DRM strategic programme and investment framework

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The SPIF provides a strategic framework for the prioritization and planning of investments that will drive Ethiopia’s Disaster Risk Management system. It is designed to operationalise the DRM policy by identifying priority investment areas with estimates of the financing needs to be provided by Government and its development partners. The SPIF is a strategic framework that outlines major areas of investment that can then be more fully fleshed out with development partners moving forward. In this way, the greatest buy-in and sense of ownership will be created while clearly following strong government leadership and direction.

The SPIF focuses on the creation of a comprehensive system for managing disaster risk that builds on past lessons and works to increase cross-sectoral multi-agency integration. The main components of the DRM system already exist and several of them have made important progress in effectiveness in recent years. However, the components do not function adequately as an integrated system and this limits overall effectiveness. This requires scaling up efforts in the disaster risk management sector, further developing capacity, and ensuring full synchronization and strategic complementary of the numerous initiatives and interventions. The SPIF envisions a whole-of-Government initiative led by the DRMFSS that reflects the priorities of the Government and a wide range of stakeholders. The SPIF is fully aligned with the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) which is a successor to the Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) and which realized for the country an average annual growth rate of 11 percent for the past five years. The GTP sets the vision for the country as a middle income, democratic and developmental state and a carbon neutral climate resilient economy by 2025.

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