3 million people remain internally displaced in Sudan. Over 700,000 Sudanese live outside the country as refugees, mainly in Chad, South Sudan, and Ethiopia, since Sudan's security and socio-economic situations remain precarious. Violence in Darfur and other areas has led to 300,000 people being internally displaced in 2021. Continuing conflicts between communities; Threatening implementation of projects in the short-term, and Risking to be exacerbated in the long-term if programs and projects are not conflict-sensitive and address the legitimate Dilemma: transitional justice v. resilience/ development approach Peace and durable solutions continue to remain a stated priority of the transition government. Notably, the JPA contains a separate Protocol dedicated to refugee returnees and IDPs, including their right of attaining solutions. "reintegrating IDPs and refugee returnees and creating the conditions that will allow them to participate fully in the economic, social, political, and cultural development of the country."