- Demographic information: current population estimates, including number and location of displaced persons, as well information on their place of origin.
- Humanitarian Access: describes the level of access of both a) humanitarian actors to reach beneficiaries, as well as b) beneficiaries’ ability to access humanitarian aid.
- Health: describes the severity of health problems in the sub-district, number of casualties, high-priority health problems, and type of health facilities and services.
- Food Security: describes the severity of problems to access food in the sub-district, number of casualties, type of food responders and prices for subsidised/non-subsidised bread.
- Shelter and NFI: describes the severity of shelter/NFI problems in the sub-district, estimated number of persons in acute/moderate need for shelter/NFI assistance, type of shelter/NFI responders, and level of damage to private buildings.
- WASHL describes the severity of problems to access quality water in the sub-district, estimated number of persons in acute/moderate need for water support, and type of WASH responders.