This report presents the findings of a household-level humanitarian needs assessment of Food Security and Livelihoods in non-Government of Syria (GoS) controlled areas of eastern Aleppo. Its aim is to provide valid information on critical humanitarian needs in those areas of Syria’s largest city that are accessible to international humanitarian agencies. While its emphasis is mainly on food security and livelihoods, it is multi-sectoral in scope, reporting on key indicators in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelter, non-food items (NFIs), health and education.
While seeking to identify humanitarian needs, the assessment also aims to provide information that can be used to monitor the humanitarian situation in Aleppo. Though the city was the focus of prior humanitarian assessments, there is little up-to-date comprehensive information available and far less quantitative information on humanitarian needs. This assessment has aimed to fill some of those gaps while providing information that can be compared with previous assessments and serve as a baseline for future monitoring efforts.