Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP) Afghanistan- UTF /AFG/035/AFG

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The Emergency Irrigation Rehabilitation Project (EIRP) was supported by World Bank IDA funding through a credit of USD 40 million in 2004, followed by three IDA grants totaling USD 86.5 million, the last in 2009. From its inception until project completion in 2011 the project was technically supported by FAO (project symbol UTF/AFG/035/AFG). EIRP and its follow-up IRDP (Irrigation Reconstruction and Development Project) are national projects managed by the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) with a presence in all the major river basins of Afghanistan. EIRP was designed primarily as an ‘Emergency’ project, with its main objective, assisting recovery of irrigated agriculture through the rehabilitation and improvement of traditional schemes. Following a WB mid-term review in 2006, the project’s structure was modified to consist of four components: a structure that remained valid until project conclusion in December 2011: (A) The rehabilitation of ‘large, medium and lesser’ irrigation schemes (main component); (B) The preparation of feasibility studies for future projects, and the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) unit in the EIRP project coordination unit (PCU); (C) Institution building and technical assistance; and (D) The re-establishment of a national hydro-meteorological network

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