Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Emergency Response for Liberian Families Hosting Ivorian Refugees in Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties, Liberia

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The “Emergency Response for Liberian families hosting Ivorian refugees in Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties, Liberia” – Project (LBR 1033) was funded by the European Directorate General – Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) with 1.593.808 EURO between July 2011 and March 2013 to contribute to resolve the humanitarian crisis caused by the presence of refugees from the Ivory Coast in Southeast Liberia. It’s specific objective was to improve the access to safe drinking water and basic health facilities and the food situation of Liberian host families and refugees, and herewith to contribute to the improvement of the living situation of both groups in Grand Gedeh and River Gee counties. The project’s strategy included the securing of food production (Result 1), the improvement of access (Result 2), the availability of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities (Result 3) and the rehabilitation of basic health care facilities (Result 4). The target group con- sisted of 1.800 host families and in addition the refugees in 39 villages in four districts of the two counties close to the border with the Ivory Coast.

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