ReDSS is supporting the knowledge management and learning component for three EU RE-INTEG NGO consortiums (EIDACS, JSC and SDSC) while coordinating with the UNHabitat and DSIRS’ consortia. In order to facilitate cross-learning and document REINTEG work, ReDSS is beginning a process to capture and document emerging lessons learned so as to inform and adapt existing REINTEG programs, as well as to inform new solutions-focused programs. This is the starting point of a continuous process over the next three years. Once or twice a year, ReDSS and its EU-REINTEG partners will undertake a similar review to update the lessons learned document, which is meant to inform real time learning and adaptation. The primary audience for this document is the 3 EU-REINTEG consortia for which ReDSS is the learning partner- JSC, EIDACS and SDSC. The document is also relevant to other EU-REINTEG partners. A separate version of this document will also be produced for an external audience, where it is hoped that learning from EU-REINTEG will inform other ongoing or upcoming durable solutions programing.