Guidance and Tools

Engagement of crisis affected communities: listening to members of Ethiopian communities

Presentation for ALNAP's 29th Annual Meeting

Alnap 29th meeting day1 session1 casey maslen hap png

HAP International deployed a team to Ethiopia between February and April 2013, supporting its members and other stakeholders in their quest to improve the quality and accountability of their programmes. During the deployment, a visit to Borena was organised with members of the Interagency Accountability Working Group (IAAWG) in Ethiopia active in the area. The aim was to conduct consultations with local communities on their perception of and views on programmes implemented by local and international organisations in their region.

This presentation gave a voice to representatives of local communities in Ethiopia to hear their perspective on what they consider the most important aspects of engagement, as well as how and when it should happen in order to be meaningful.

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