Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Enhancing technical coordination and backstopping of the Food Security and Livelihood sector in the restoration and sustaining of household food security of vulnerable conflict affected populations in the Greater Darfur Region of Sudan

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The evaluation focused on two consecutive projects OSRO/SUD/816 (July 2008 to September 2009) and OSRO/SUD/917 (December 2009 to June 2010) which were managed by FAO and funded by ECHO. Both projects were accorded the title: Enhancing technical coordination and backstopping of the Food Security & Livelihood (FSL) sector in restoration and sustaining of household food security of vulnerable conflict affected populations (IDPs, refugees, returnees and host communities) in the Greater Darfur Region. FAO has partnered with government institutions and both local and international NGOs for the implementation of a wide range of activities supporting the production of vegetables and certified seed; the protection of animal health; and the rehabilitation of natural resources.

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