Synthesis Report
The Ethiopia Country Program Evaluation (CPE) assessed the overall performance and results of CIDA's interventions in Ethiopia from 2003-04 to 2008-09, a five-year period corresponding to the implementation of the Agency's County Development Program Framework (CDPF) for Ethiopia.
The Program addressed relevant needs in the following critical sectors: Food Security, Governance and Protection of Basic Services. The CPE concluded that all three received an overall satisfactory rating. The CPE also found that the various dimensions of the Country Program were well implemented and achieved good results. The Agency emerged as a leader in the new, aligned and harmonized ODA environment in Ethiopia.
CIDA's contributions through program-based approaches (PBAs) and other projects in Ethiopia led to various development results. For example, in the Protection of Basic Services, CIDA funding contributed to a 26 percent reduction of malaria cases; 65 percent of children were immunized and vaccination coverage was 81 percent. In Food Security, 7.36 million food insecure people were able to invest in asset creation and income generation, thereby enabling them to protect their livelihoods. CIDA's project and PBA investments in Governance also resulted in improved oversight and accountability roles and processes and increased efficiency in service provision through modernized equipment and improved administration.