Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Europe Zone Tajikistan DREF Operations Evaluation

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Since 2003, when the obligation to reimburse Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) allocations for small-scale disaster response operations was removed, the number of grants allocated by the DREF worldwide has been steadily growing. Financial support from the DREF in the form of grants for small-scale operations totaled 17.4 million Swiss francs in 2010 and it is therefore now a major area of IFRC support and funding, which requires a similarly increased level of monitoring and evaluation.

In order to provide assurance that the funds claimed for the implementation of these operations have been used in accordance with the initial plan of action and in compliance with DREF procedures; as well as assess the results of response to the disasters that the National Society has ensured, IFRC Secretariat Europe Zone office DM Team has agreed with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan on an evaluation mission to take place. It was expected that special emphasis will be placed on the overall management and performance of the response and related preparedness actions, and how effective they were in delivering services throughout the operation.

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