The mid-term evaluation of PRRO 6038 is unique in two respects: Cambodia was the first application of the PRRO as an official WFP programming category; and this is the first country in which an evaluation has been undertaken of the PRRO category. In Cambodia the PRRO was conceived and developed as a ‘country programme’, an umbrella for a group of protracted recovery activities with a small contingency for relief activities. In examining the utility of the PRRO, the evaluation necessarily returns to first principles: are the goals and objectives of PRRO 6038 consistent with complex realities on the ground, and to what extent are the type, relative balance and coherence of activities an appropriate response to Cambodia’s accelerating restoration and stability? Because the PRRO was designed only for an initial two years, the evaluation is also forward looking, asking whether the recovery programme should be extended or, alternatively, whether WFP should move to a more traditional country development programme (which Cambodia has not previously had).