Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of Christian Aid's response to Cyclone Nargis: Fit for the future: validating the partnership model

Final report evaluation of christian aids response to cyclone nargis png

Cyclone Nargis struck Burma on 02 and 03 May 2008. In all, over 140,000 people were killed and 20,000 injured. The homes, communities and livelihoods of around 2.4 million people were affected, with the damage caused to infrastructure, commerce and agriculture estimated at $4 billion. The evaluation had three main objectives: . To evaluate the impact and outcomes of the appeal on the lives of Burmese men, women and children; . To evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of CAs internal management of the appeal in order to draw out lessons and improve in the future. This will involve looking at coordination across the organisation as well as specific programme support; . To evaluate the quality and relevance of partners' work and CAs support to this. The key criteria against which the programme was evaluated against included effectiveness, timeliness, relevance, coherence and accountability. Cross-cutting issues that were reviewed include co-ordination, advocacy and co-ordination. In fulfilling the ToR the evaluation has necessarily looked back over the first 18-months of the programme, but in seeking to make recommendations the team sought have also sought to look forward and apply past lessons to the future of the Burma programme and to CAs model of partnership more broadly.

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