Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of Danish Humanitarian Assistance 1992-98: Volume 7, Sudan

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The evaluation has been carried out by a four person team, between April and July 1999. Two team members covered the southern sector, spending time in Kenya and South Sudan. The other two members were supposed to visit the northern sector, but were refused visas by GoS, reportedly because of their British nationality. This has been a major constraint to the evaluation, which has had to rely heavily on documentation and telephone interviews for the northern sector. This has delayed the evaluation process. At short notice, a non-British member of the southern sector team was able to spend one week in Khartoum and Wau to conduct a much curtailed field programme. This evaluation focused on issues of concern to DANIDA, although the 1996 Review of OLS has been an important reference point.

Focus: Coordination, management, policy, health, food aid, repatriation, reconstruction, shelter, preparedness.

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