Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of ECHO funded Southern Afghanistan community and child focused services, water and sanitation programme

Afghanistan kandahar echo watsan 08 png

This EU ECHO funded programme has as its main objective to provide multi-sectorial humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, comprising displaced people, refugees, returnees and host communities in Kandahar. The project execution was severely influenced by the worsening security situation. Expatriate staff had to be evacuated from Kandahar in February 2008 after credible and targeted threats. Certain planned activities, such as the out of school children training, the excreta study had to be cancelled. The programme in the schools in Dand also suffered under the worsening security situation and could not be visited and monitored as wanted. At the beginning of the project it became evident that the DoE has provided little to no coordination and guidance: the list with schools needing support in water and sanitation must have been provided to different donors as some of the schools targeted did receive hygiene kits and trainings before Tearfund could start its programme.

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