Over the last decade, FAO’s Governing Bodies have frequently discussed issues related to water in agriculture, given its paramount importance. The Independent External Evaluation (IEE) of FAO concluded that FAO was in a weak position in the water sector. In light of this, the Programme Committee (PC) at its 100th Session in October 2008 endorsed among the topics proposed for initiation in 2009, the evaluation of ‘FAO’s work related to water, as this had been a significant discussion topic in the Committee of the Council for the IEE’. The Terms of Reference for the Evaluation defined its purpose as follows: “The Evaluation will be forward-looking: its main purpose is to provide FAO’s Member Countries and Secretariat with evidence- and lessons-based recommendations on the future role and scope of the Organization in its work related to water. The Evaluation will also provide accountability to FAO Member Countries and Secretariat about the Organization’s performance and comparative advantage in this area of work.”
FAO’s role and work related to water was defined as “all activities conducted by the Organization for the conservation, development and sustainable utilization of water resources for agriculture, including the responses to global environmental challenges affecting food and agriculture”. All relevant activities in the period 2004-2008/09 were evaluated.