Evaluation of Five Humanitarian Programmes of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP - Report 4/2013

Evaluation of five humanitarian programmes of the norwegian refugee council and of the standby roster norcap png

This report presents the main results of an evaluation of five core competencies of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP) commissioned by Norad. Three case country reports and a public expenditure tracking survey (PETS) report contain further information gathered by the evaluation team. The evaluation was conducted by Ternstrom Consulting AB in association with Channel Research SPRL.

The purpose of the evaluation is to contribute to the improvement of NRC and NORCAP. The objectives are to i) assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of five of NRC’s core activities in three countries; ii) assess the quality of NORCAP responses (relevance and efficiency); iii) assess the existence of synergies between NRC and NORCAP activities; iv) provide scope for learning at different levels and; v) make recommendations regarding a) making WASH a new core competence; b) improvements in design and implementation of NRC core activities and; c) improvements in NORCAP’s competencies.

The scope of the evaluation is i) the years 2010-2012, ii) five of NRC’s core competencies in three countries, and iii) all of NORCAP’s activities. The case countries are Somalia, South Sudan and Pakistan. The core competencies included are Shelter, Information, Counselling and Legal Advice (ICLA), Emergency Food Security and Distribution (EFSD), Camp Management and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Education, although a core competency, was not included. Camp Management was not implemented in any of the case countries and the team thus had no basis for findings on this, ICLA was just starting up in Somalia, WASH was new as a core competency.

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