Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of Joint UN Emergency Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Programme in North and North Eastern Uganda

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The joint UN emergency health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS programme in North and North Eastern Uganda commenced January 2006. DFID’s total commitment for 2006 and 2007 is £11,305,676 in 2006 and £4,467,976 in 2007.

The programme Goal is: Reduced morbidity and mortality among internally displaced persons, returning and returned populations and those affected by cattle rustling in the Acholi, Lango and Karamoja sub-regions and in the two districts of Amuria and Katakwi in the Teso sub-region. The programme Purpose is: Sustained delivery of an integrated health services system including strengthening the health management information system (HMIS), epidemic preparedness and response in internally displaced people (IDP) camps, transitional camps and return populations. Programme Outputs focus on strengthening human resources for health, health infrastructure, HMIS and epidemic preparedness and response (EPR), and coordination of the health sector response; and on delivery of child health, malaria control, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS interventions.

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