Overall objective: To assess to what extent the project outcomes have been achieved and what impacts have been made as well as to identify learning points, issues and the way forward.
Specific objectives: To assess the overall project relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the project outcomes with specific focus on the following: i) To provide a full description of the activities carried out and the results achieved according to the project document; ii) To assess the success of the project in achieving the outcomes set out in the project document; iii) To assess the impact of the project on different target groups and how the situation of these groups has changed; iv) To assess the extent to which the impact, if there is one, is due to the project intervention or due to other factors; v) To analyze the cost of the project and assess whether this is reasonable in the context and whether the resources have been used as efficiently as possible; vi) To draw key lessons from the implementation and management processes of the project including analysis of the roles of ADCS, CAFOD/TRÔCAIRE/SCIAF and the UK Big Lottery; and vii) To provide recommendations that can guide learning from experience gained from implementation of this project and how these experiences can be used to influence others in the future course of action or follow up.