This report presents the findings of the evaluation of Denmark’s second and third Danish National Action Plans (NAPs) for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security (WPS) (2008-13 and 2014-19). The purpose of the evaluation was to learn from past implementation and inform the development and strategic direction of the fourth Danish NAP. The evaluation therefore has a forward-looking perspective and aims to provide a constructive discussion about Denmark’s engagement with the broader WPS agenda. The evaluation sought to answer six key evaluation questions: 1. What results have been achieved in portfolios related to the National Action Plans? 2. Based on EQ1, what are the results of the NAPs against their stated objectives to address and enhance women’s full and equal participation, protection of women, transitional justice and mainstreaming of gender equality in humanitarian efforts and international operations?1 3. How have the NAPs been used as a framework for stakeholder cooperation? What has been the added value of this cooperation?2 4. How has the Danish NAP performed when measured against relevant NAP-benchmarks? Has the NAP been coherent with the overall Danish policy on fragile states, peace and security – as well as the Danish priority with regards to development cooperation and humanitarian assistance? How have the NAPs been aligned with the broader WPS and 2030 agendas that emerged during implementation of the two NAPs? 6. What are the overall lessons learned for the Danish engagement in women, peace and security (WPS) and fragility? How can these lessons learned be taken forward in the formulation of a new NAP in 2020