This evaluation was conducted between November 2019 and February 2020, with the main purpose of generating learning, for Global Education Cluster (GEC) managers and other stakeholders, on ‘what worked where and how’ in the DG/ECHO grant to the GEC (2017-2019). The evaluation also serves an accountability function by providing an independent assessment of the GEC Action against its intended results. Building on 2 in-depth country case studies in Bangladesh and North East (NE) region of Nigeria, and a broader multi-country case study, through a desk review of relevant documents, key informant interviews and an online survey administered with education cluster/coordination team actors, the report generates findings related to the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coordination and connectedness of the grant. The evaluation also produced 5 recommendations, validated through a learning workshop held in Brussels, which informed the process of development of the new GEC strategy (2020-2021).