PRRO 10362 was designed to address the food needs of 3.8 million beneficiaries (relief 1.7 million, recovery 2.1 million) over the period 1 Jan 2005 to 31 December 2007. The total proposed food tonnage was 1.4M metric tonnes, and the total cost to WFP was estimated at $780M.
The four main programme components are: ° A relief programme comprising general food distribution (GFD) and Food for Work (FFW) for food-insecure communities affected by severe, unpredictable food shortages; ° Labour-intensive productive assets (LIP As), and improved FF A in districts where food insecurity is predictable as part of the GoE Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) ° Targeted Supplementary Feeding in conjunction with the GoE EOS programme ° Urban HIV feeding programme