Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of the ‘Mozambique Drought Response 2012’

In mid-2012, following prolonged mid-session dry spells that had effected much of Southern Africa and especially Mozambique, Oxfam with partners, conducted two multi-sectoral [WASH and emergency food security and vulnerable livelihoods (EFS-VL)] assessments in Chigubo and Funhaloro, both long term programmatic areas. The outcome of these assessments identified a need for humanitarian intervention in Chigubo district. The intervention began in October 2012 and targeted 1,400 most vulnerable families (approximately 7,000 people). The intervention was carried out under a semi-operative model involving two partners Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais (ADCR) and Fórum de ONG?s Nacionais de Gaza (FONGA) and focused on EFS-VL, and advocacy, with some WASH components. As it was the first time Oxfam had undertaken a cash transfer response in Mozambique it was felt pertinent that a Real Time Evaluation style evaluation was undertaken to capture lessons from the response that would help Oxfam in Mozambique undertake EFS-VL work in the future.

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