Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of the OI Capacity Building Initiative (PFC) in CAMEXCA

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Objectives: To evaluate the degree of achievement of the proposed results of the PFC; to evaluate, indicate lessons learnt and recommendations on the methodology used for the execution of activities, regarding the training activities (workshops, courses, diplomas, visits, exchanges etc) as well as the advocacy activities and the efficiency in the use of financial and human resources; to evaluate the extent to which the content of training materials and the programme/curriculum of courses and workshops are in line with the policy, principles, areas and ways of working of OI; to evaluate the relevance of the beneficiaries/actors of each result of the PFC; to analyse the relationships and expectations of the different Oxfam affiliates and those of the partners in terms of the PFC; to evaluate the complementarity and synergy between the results (expected results and the actual content of each result) of the PFC.

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