Evaluation of the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action, 2010-2015: Syria Response Case Study Report

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Danida has commissioned an evaluation of the Strategy for Danish Humanitarian Action 2010-2015 in order to inform the revision of the strategy. This report presents findings from a case study of Danida’s humanitarian funding to the response to the Syria crisis. It is one of two case studies involving field visits. The other is of the response to South Sudan.

The case study has two purposes. One is to verify the extent to which partners have capacity to deliver on the strategic priority areas reflected in the evaluation questions. The evaluation team has consulted with Danida’s partners about their systems and capacity for delivering on strategic priority areas and the case study has enabled the team to assess the extent to which these are operationalised at field level. The other is to assess, to the extent possible, the results achieved by the implementation of the strategy. The findings should contribute to informing Danida’s decision-making and strategic direction when it revises the current humanitarian strategy.

The findings and recommendations of the synthesis report as well as the case studies can be accessed on the Danida website.

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