Synthesis Report
The objective of the evaluation was to assess the set up and impact of the UNHCR programmes in four country case studies and to see the part played in them by the ECHO contribution. From these individual studies, conclusions had to be drawn on how ECHO and UNHCR should work together in the future, both generally and in the specific programmes examined, and how ECHO could support UNHCR in its core mandate and key functions.
The methodology of the evaluation reflected the above objectives and the case study structure. The evaluation was divided in four typical phases. Every finding and recommendation had to be clearly supported by facts and had to reflect some kind of recurrent pattern to be found either in individual project assessments or through cross-checked discussions with various knowledgeable actors. The evaluation therefore focused mainly on the 1999 and 2000 projects, for which most of the relevant actors could still be found and lessons learned were already available.