Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluation of UNHCR Training Activities for Implementing Partners and Government Counterparts

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In 1997, the UN’s Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) called for the training programme of both UNHCR staff and its implementing partners to be “evaluated for its cost-effectiveness and impact”.1 A comprehensive review of UNHCR’s staff training programme was undertaken in 1999, partly addressing the ACABQ’s concerns2. The current review builds upon the conclusions of the 1999 study and focuses on the training which UNHCR provides to its implementing partners and government counterparts. It was prepared by a UNHCR staff member, temporarily assigned to the Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit. The findings of this review will be complemented by a forthcoming independent evaluation of UNHCR’s role in strengthening national non- governmental organizations.

Focus: Training, learning.

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