This evaluation assesses the earthquake response of ‘Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants' (ASAM), a well established Turkish NGO working since 1995 in fields of migration and refugee protection, with a team of staff trained for search and rescue and certified by the national disaster management agency AFAD. AFAD is supported by different donors among which the CARITAS family, in particular CARITAS Luxembourg, CARITAS Austria and CARITAS Germany.
In the earthquake response, ASAM responded well in search and rescue and its classical sector of activities but is now confronted with new challenges, in particular in WASH and Shelter.
Key recommendations focus on 1) the short and medium term response (i.e. regarding mapping acitivites; interagency coordination; water sources and distribution; shelter and reconstruction; access to information and awareness; water-borne diseases) and 2) the enhancement of ASAM's position (e.g. regarding role within the aid architecture; disaster risk reduction and preparedness at the community-level).