Research and Studies

Every Minute We Are Expecting Our Deaths: Yarmouk Needs Assessment

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Besieged for more than two years, the approximately 18,000 civilians remaining in the Yarmouk Camp in Damascus are among the most at-risk population in all of Syria. Without electricity for two years, and without clean water for nearly a year, residents of Yarmouk are also caught in the crossfire of a three-way conflict between the Syrian government, the Islamic State, and Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis, a Palestinian faction allegedly tied to Hamas.

This assessment utilised 100 household surveys, conducted in Yarmouk, to assess the humanitarian and security situation in the camp. The evaluation team was particularly interested in residents’ ability to access basic services, the types of coping mechanisms residents of the camp have employed, the changes in the camp since the Islamic State’s offensive in April, and the makeup of the armed groups fighting in the camp.

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