This ex-post evaluation was commissioned by the Fund and was carried out by the Owl RE research and evaluation consultancy in Geneva, from December 2019 to August 2020. The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the relevance of the project to its stakeholders and beneficiaries, the effectiveness and efficiency of project management and implementation, the expected impact, how well were cross-cutting themes of human rights and gender mainstreamed in the project, and if the desired effects are sustainable, and/or have the prospects of sustainability.
The evaluation covered the country of Dominican Republic with the time period of the project’s duration from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 2018 and was implemented in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The timeframe was 18 months (12 months with a 6-month extension). The evaluation was carried out primarily through a desk review of available data and documents and key informant interviews and discussions with 25 project stakeholders.