Research and Studies

Field Exchange - Issue 24

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All the field articles in this issue come from either AAH or ACF staff. Two pieces deal with programmes targeted at the severely malnourished. Thierry Muriele writes about the success of a Home Based Treatment regime in Kabul where the social and cultural attitudes to women made it very difficult for them to attend therapeutic feeding centres. Programme staff therefore chose to implement a HBC regime which led to a considerable improvement in default rates. Carlos Navarro writes about a trial of RUTF (BP100) in a TFC setting in Sierra Leone comparing outcome with F100. The results show equivalent success in terms of weight gain for the RUTF product. The two other field articles deal with programmes in former Soviet Union countries - Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. Carmello Gallardo describes AAH efforts to implement Income Generating Activities (IGAs) for vulnerable groups in Azerbaijan following collapse of the Soviet Union and low level war in the region.

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